
Saturday, 6 February 2010

iPod Touch - Mobile Technology

I recently read with interest the new Horizon Report 2010
One of the two technologies to watch are mobile technologies. My school is based on the use of mobile technology. We are a laptop school Gr 4 - 12 with a fully wifi campus. As well as this we are currently launching the use of the LMS Studywiz. The best part of using mobile technology is that it is always on hand - ready for that 'just in time' teaching moment. In a 1:1 program, the students can look anything up online as needed. In an inquiry-based learning program, this is so valuable.

We have also just started using a set of iPod Touches across the school. In Grade 3 recently we used an App called Step Trak Lite
Here are some photos of this inquiry. The students were learning about energy and as a front loading activity, used Step Trak Lite to count their steps from one location on the school campus to another via the wifi.

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